(七) 位于靖远县城南面的大芦子和小芦子之间,是一片梨树林覆盖的宽阔平地,有一座小山挡在它的前面,苦水河自南向北从它边上流过。 这片小小的梨树林现在却有幸承担了一件了不起的重担──掩护红军造船! 几天前,程世才携88师师长熊厚发为寻找一个隐蔽而可靠的场所四处
(VII) Located between the big apricot and the small apricot in the south of Jingyuan County, there is a vast flat covered by pear trees. There is a hill in front of it. The bitter river flows from south to north from the edge of it. This little pear tree is now fortunate enough to bear the terrific burden of covering the Red Army! A few days ago, Cheng Shicai brought 88 teachers Xiong Fa-fat to find a hidden and reliable place around