编辑同志: 在我们云南开远市大庄区的各族群众中,传颂着“子弟兵保路引水”的佳话。事情是这样的。由于军事上的需要,当地驻军要在大庄回族乡的荒山沟里筑营房。这个荒山沟下端有一条羊肠小道,是山区和坝区往来的必经之路。按战略需要本应切断此路。但部队党委考虑群众利益,决定保留这条路,再大的困难由自己克服。路不但保留下来了,而且加宽了,又在路边建起了饮水点。但这个饮水点一是塘口小,二是不卫生——人畜共饮。部队干部战士把这
Editor’s Comrade: In our tribesmen in Dazhuang District, Kaiyuan City, Yunnan Province, we proclaim the story of “Protecting Children and Protecting Roads with Water”. This is the case. Due to military needs, the local garrisons have to build barracks in the barren hills of the Hui ethnic township in Dazhuang. The barren ravines have a trail at the bottom, is the only way mountain and dam contacts. According to the strategic needs should cut off this road. However, if the party in the armed forces considers the interests of the masses and decides to preserve this road, the bigger difficulties will be overcome by itself. The road not only retained, but also widened, but also in the roadside built a drinking water point. However, this point of drinking water Tong small, and second, unsanitary people and animals drink. Army cadres and soldiers put this