The 31-year-old artificial acacia forest in Xishan, Beijing, with an average height of 7m, an average DBH diameter of 8.3cm, 1750 plants per hectare and a canopy confluence of 0.5. Applying the square root of breast height × height of tree (D ~ 2H) as independent variable to predict the dry weight (W) of each part of tree, it has extremely significant correlation. The leaf weight (W_L) = e ~ (3.71) was calculated from the stem weight (W_5) = 58.88 (D ~ 2H) ~ (0.88) +0.0008 (D ~ 2H)) and root weight (W_R) = e ~ (7.67 + 0.0009 (D~2H)), the biomass of arbor stem was estimated to be 28.45 t / Hectare, leaf biomass 0.97 ton / ha, root biomass 7.6 ton / hectare, arbor layer biomass 48.62 ton / ha The shrub and herb layer in September above-ground biomass was 13.71 tons / ha, underground part of the creature The biomass of shrubs and herbs was 24.43 tons / ha and the total biomass of artificial acacia forests was 73.05 tons / ha.