
来源 :现代装饰(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kayak6789
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近年来,随着社会的发展,人们生活水平的提高,对生活环境的要求也越来越高,室内装饰设计逐渐受到人们的重视。室内装饰需要较强的专业性和技术性,色彩是其中的重要部分,能影响到整个室内装饰设计的风格。本文对色彩在室内装饰中的重要性进行了分析,并对基本原则以及具体应用进行了探讨,为室内装饰色彩搭配提供参考。 In recent years, with the development of society, the improvement of people’s living standard and the requirement of living environment are getting higher and higher, and the interior decoration design has been paid more and more attention by people. Interior needs a strong professional and technical, color is one of the important part, can affect the style of the interior design. In this paper, the importance of color in interior decoration is analyzed, and the basic principles and the specific application are discussed. It provides a reference for the color matching of interior decoration.
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