港监机关在内河交通事故处理中,普遍感到最棘手、最为难的是桥损事故的处理。究竟难在何处呢? 一是社会压力大。桥损事故特别是桥梁受损倒塌后,常造成水陆交通全部中断,尤其是陆上交通中断时间更长,给当地工农业生产及群众生活带来较大的影响,因此,常会有一些政府部门及其它有关部门出面干预,不断给处理机关施加压力,尤其是一些夜间发生的事故,船舶肇事者逃跑后,处理机关往往处于非常被动的地位。
In the handling of inland river traffic accidents, the harbor superintendency administration generally felt the most troublesome and the most difficult thing was the handling of the bridge damage accident. Where is it harder? First, social pressure. Bridge damage accident, especially after the bridge collapses and collapses, often results in the interruption of all water and land transportation. In particular, land transit interruption takes longer, which has a great impact on local industrial and agricultural production and people's livelihood. Therefore, some government departments And other relevant departments to intervene to constantly pressure the handling organs, especially some of the accidents that occurred at night. After the ship perpetrators fled, the handling organs are often in a very passive position.