广州集装箱码头有限公司的集装箱装卸作业,是以占箱量80%的内贸集装箱(简称内贸箱)为主,而内贸箱中有50%以上是超出了机械负荷的超重箱。机械经常超负荷作业,各金属部件极易疲劳,不但使用寿命降低,而且机械的安全系数也大大减低,对安全生产造成巨大隐患和危害。就新港码头的四台岸桥而言,全都是20世纪80 年代的产品,其技术性能、安全系数、金属结构已不能和以往同日而语。每起吊一次超重箱,就会对岸桥造成一次冲击。按公司的操作要求和装卸工艺,一个超重箱
Guangzhou Container Terminal Co., Ltd. container loading and unloading operations, accounting for 80% of the container domestic trade containers (referred to as the domestic trade box) based, and more than 50% of the domestic trade box is over the mechanical load of overweight boxes. Mechanical overload often work, the metal parts easily fatigue, not only reduce the service life, but also significantly reduce the safety factor of the machine, resulting in huge risks and hazards to safety. As far as the four quayside of Newport Ferry Terminal are concerned, they are all products of the 1980s whose technical performance, safety factor and metal structure can no longer be the same as before. Each lifting a heavy box, it will create an impact on the other side of the bridge. According to the company’s operating requirements and handling technology, a overweight box