皮炎、湿疹类疾病是皮肤科最常见疾病,理想的治疗。药物不多。我们采用中、西药相结合的方法,试制了“复方速效止痒灵”,两年来试用于治疗此类疾病500例,获得良好效果,现将制备方法及资料完整的60例临床疗效观察,报告如下:1 处方组成与制备工艺1.1 处方 复方苦参酊500ml,水杨酸30.0g,松馏油50.0g,苯酚20ml,樟脑50.0g,甘油50.0g,95%乙醇至1000ml(复方苦参酊的成分:苦参、苍耳子、蛇床子、百部等)。1.2 制法 取水杨酸、樟脑溶于适量95%乙醇中,加入松馏油、甘油、复方苦参酊及乙醇至含量。1.3 适应证 慢性湿疹、神经性皮炎、慢性痒疹、皮肤淀粉样变等。用法:涂擦患处,一日2~3次。注意事项:急性期皮疹禁用,对此类药过敏者禁用。
Dermatitis and eczema are the most common diseases in dermatology and are ideal treatments. There are not many drugs. We used the combination of Chinese and Western medicines to trial the preparation of “Combined Quick Effective Anti-itching Elixir”. In the past two years, we have used 500 cases to treat these diseases and obtained good results. Now we have observed the clinical efficacy of 60 cases with complete preparation methods and data. As follows: 1 prescription composition and preparation process 1.1 prescription compound matrine 500ml, salicylic acid 30.0g, retort oil 50.0g, phenol 20ml, camphor 50.0g, glycerol 50.0g, 95% ethanol to 1000ml (combined flavescens Ingredients: Sophora flavescens, Xanthium sibiricum, Cnidium, Acacia, etc.) 1.2 Preparation of the law Take salicylic acid, camphor dissolved in the appropriate amount of 95% ethanol, add pine oil, glycerol, compound Kushen and ethanol to content. 1.3 Indications Chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, chronic prurigo, and skin amyloidosis. Usage: rubbed the affected area, 2 or 3 times a day. Matters needing attention: The acute phase rash is disabled, and allergy to such drugs is prohibited.