报道61例老年女性盆底脏器脱垂患者,使用网片治疗术后的临床观察及护理情况。术后随访60例均以治愈,只有1例阴道侵蚀,经对症治疗后1个月痊愈,目前无复发病例。“,”To summarize the post-operative care and clinical observation of response measures for the elderly patients of the use of mesh female pelvic organ prolapse treatment. 60 cases of the patients fol owed up are cured, only one case was vaginal erosion, who recovery after symptomatic treatment in a month, there is no recurrence. Conclusion: mesh used in pelvic floor reconstruction surgery and pelvic floor suspension perioperative care is especial y important. To communicate effectively with patients before surgery , adequate preoperative preparation , close observation and accurately determine the condition , take care to respond preventive measures , a variety of catheter care and complications after discharge fol ow-up and self- health guidance can help improve surgical results in improving the quality of life of patients.