广东省顺德市的均安、大良、容奇及东莞市的道滘、麻涌共5个镇被评为中国曲艺之乡,南海市的大沥与番禺市的钟村两镇被命名为中国曲协创作基地——深秋时节,传来佳音,确实可喜可贺,令人欢欣鼓舞! (一)这次评选活动是由中国文联、中国曲协主办的。改革开放以来,广东的曲艺事业在党的文艺方针的指引下,在各级领导的亲切关怀和热情指导下,通过专业工作者和业余爱好者的共同努力,已呈现出一派欣欣向荣、被人称为“广东
5 towns of Jun’an, Daliang, Rongqi in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province and Dao, Ma Yong in Dongguan City were rated as Hometown of Chinese Folk Songs, Dali in Nanhai and Zhongcun Township in Panyu were named as China Qu Music Association base - late autumn, came good news, indeed gratifying, it is encouraging! (A) The selection is organized by the China Federation of Literature, China Qu Music Association. Since the reform and opening up, under the guidance of the party’s art and literature guideline and under the guidance and guidance of the leaders at all levels under the guidance of the party’s art and literature guideline, the cause of folk art in Guangdong has shown thriving by the joint efforts of professional workers and amateurs. "Guangdong