世界知名的日用消费品公司宝洁公司(ProterGamble)将于今年夏季在全国各地推出其最负盛名的美发护发品牌——“沙宣”(Vidal Sassoon)。这是宝洁公司继去年在上海及华东地区试销该品牌后的又一重要举措。 沙宣美发护发系列用品包括洗发露和润发露,它们是由国际发型界权威维达·沙宣先生创造的。作为国际发型界公认的顶级大师,沙宣先生一直都是国际美发潮流的领导者,其创办的沙宣发廊暨美发学院更拥有“发型界的哈佛大学”的美称。按照沙宣先生首
ProterGamble, the world famous consumer goods company, will launch its most prestigious hair care brand “Vidal Sassoon” throughout the country this summer. This is another important measure that Procter & Gamble took after the test sale of the brand in Shanghai and East China last year. Sassoon hair care products include shampoos and conditioners, which were created by the international hair style authority, Mr. Vidal Sassoon. As the top master in international hair style recognition, Mr. Sha Xuan has always been the leader in the international hairdressing trend. The Sassoon hair salon and hairdressing school founded by him has a reputation as “harvard university in hair style”. According to Mr. Sassoon