金殿名胜区位于昆明市东北郊7千米处鸣凤山上,占地1773 亩,始建于明万历30年(1602 年),因清康熙十年(1671)平西王吴三桂冶铜重铸全国第一大铜殿而得名。2001年被国家旅游局评为国家AAAA级旅游区。金殿名胜区历经数百年的园囿建设、修葺,积淀了厚重、大器的历史、人文和自然景观。名胜区幽谷深壑、古木苍天,“金殿朝晖”、“鸣凤山茶”在昆明16景中占其二景,其中天门古道、鸣凤晨钟、太和遗迹、粟花风荷、鹦鹉春深、永乐大钟、滇青铜文化园等古制楼阁星罗棋布,古意盎然。从山脚舍车步行,过迎仙桥, 进“鸣凤胜景”坊,途经“第一天门”、“二天门”和“三天门”, 三座天门表示道教最高的境界。
Located in Mingfeng Mountain, 7 kilometers away from the northeast outskirts of Kunming City, it covers an area of 1773 mu. It was built in the 30th year of the Ming Dynasty (1602) and was rebuilt in the 10th National Day of the Qing Dynasty (1671) A large copper temple named. In 2001 by the National Tourism Administration as the national AAAA level tourist area. Golden Temple Resorts After hundreds of years of park 囿 construction, repair, accumulation of heavy, grand history, humanities and natural landscape. Scenic area deep gully, ancient wood heaven, “Golden Temple Zhaohui”, “Ming Fengshan tea” in Kunming 16 King in two scenes, including Tianmen Road, Mingfeng morning bell, too and relics, millet wind Dutch, parrot spring deep, Yongle Clock, ancient bronze cultural park in Yunnan bronze pavilions dotted, ancient flavor. From Foothill House car walk, over Xianqiao, into the “Ming Fung King” Square, via “the first day of the door,” “two days” and “three days”, the three Tianmen said the highest level of Taoism.