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【背景】2010年7月,中国勘察设计协会召开了第5届会员代表大会,选出了新一届协会领导班子。面对新的形势,如何团结引领全行业更好、更快地发展,成了协会新领导班子的首要课题。中设协选择了调查研究作为了开展工作的切入点,深入一线,厘清行业。新年伊始,一份凝结了全行业智慧的调研报告开启了行业“十二五”的大幕。 【Background】 July 2010, China Survey and Design Association held its fifth member congress, elected the leadership of the new association. In the face of the new situation, how to unite and lead the entire industry to a better and faster development has become a major issue for the new leadership of the Association. China Association for the selection of the survey as an entry point to carry out the work, in-depth, clarify the industry. At the beginning of the new year, a research report that has condensed the wisdom of the entire industry has opened the industry’s “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”.
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