重症急性胰腺炎 (severeacutepancreatitis ,SAP)的治疗效果欠理想 ,经半个多世纪的探索 ,目前多数人的看法是 ,大部分SAP可非手术治愈 ,仅在继发胰腺及胰外严重感染时才行手术治疗。我科从 2 0世纪 90年代初对所有诊断为急性胰腺炎的患者均进行?
The treatment effect of severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is less than ideal. After more than half a century of exploration, most people now believe that most SAPs can be cured non-operatively. Only in cases of secondary pancreas and severe pancreatitis Surgical treatment. Our department from the beginning of the 20th century for all patients diagnosed as acute pancreatitis were carried out?