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据上海证券报10月16日报道,随着《中国邮轮旅游发展总体规划》的如期出台,交通部将天津、上海、福建、海南列为我国邮轮运输试点地;天津推出了国际邮轮采购交易平台。据了解,目前天津、上海等各地交通运输部门纷纷制定邮轮旅游发展规划,沿海港口城市开始形成邮轮制造业、港口运输业、旅游服务、批零贸易、金融保险等融合发展的邮轮产业经济。国家旅游局副局长吴文学称,在政府推动支持和市场驱动下,中国邮轮旅游进入大发展阶段,邮轮经济效应开始显现。目前中国已成为从东北亚到东南亚邮轮线路的重要中心。在上海、天津、厦门、三亚这些沿海城市奋力打造海 According to Shanghai Securities News reported on October 16, with the “China’s overall development plan for cruise tourism” scheduled to be released, the Ministry of Communications listed Tianjin, Shanghai, Fujian and Hainan as China’s cruise transport pilot sites. Tianjin launched the international cruise purchasing platform . It is understood that at present, Tianjin, Shanghai and other transportation departments all over the country have formulated their own plans for the development of cruise tourism. Coastal port cities have begun to form the cruise industry with integrated cruise manufacturing, port transport, tourism services, wholesale and retail trade, and financial insurance. Wu Wenxue, deputy director of China National Tourism Administration, said that under the support of the government and the drive of the market, China’s cruise tourism has entered a stage of great development and the economic effects of cruise ships have started to show. At present, China has become an important center for cruise lines from Northeast Asia to Southeast Asia. In Shanghai, Tianjin, Xiamen, Sanya, these coastal cities struggled to build the sea