说不同语言的人经常相遇所引起的语言上的相互影响,就是语言接触。“语言接触的特点有双语现象、借词和语言演变。这些特点是由于直接学习、翻译和周密的语言教学造成的。”(黄长著等译:《语言与语言学词典》77页)。本文讨论的语言接触既包括汉语与非汉语的接触。也包括普通话与方言的接触。这种接触经常发生在词汇层,也可以发生在语音层和语法层。 中国文化的特点之一是它的封闭性。从历史上看,中国文化并不是任何时代都是封闭的,而是有时候开放,开放一个时期又走向封闭,封闭的时期比开放的时期漫长得多。封闭与开放跟社会制度没有必然关系,主要跟地理形态有关,跟哪种思想占据统治地位有关。
It is language contact that the language interaction caused by the frequent encounters of different languages. “The characteristics of language contact are bilingual phenomena, borrowing words and language evolving, which are due to direct learning, translation and careful language teaching” (Huang et al., “Dictionary of Linguistics and Linguistics”, p. 77). The language contact discussed in this article includes both Chinese and non-Chinese contact. Also includes Mandarin and dialect contact. This type of contact often occurs at the lexical level, as can speech and grammar layers. One of the characteristics of Chinese culture is its closeness. Historically, Chinese culture has not been closed at any time, but has sometimes been open. The period of opening up to a closed, closed period is much longer than that of opening up. Closure and opening up are not necessarily related to the social system. They are mainly related to the geographical form and are related to which ideological dominance.