越权(ultra vires),源自拉丁文,原意为超越权限。它在英美国家公司法中,至少有三种不同的涵义:一是指超越公司章程所规定的经营目的;二是指虽然没有超越公司的经营目的,但超越公司经理的职权范围;三是指违法、不合程序以及虽属经理权限以内,但脱离公司的正当的主要的目的。但是,严格意义上的越权只是上述三重涵义中的第一层,也即公司所从事的行为完全超越公司章程所规定的经营目的。这也是本文所要评述的中心议题。
Ultra vires, derived from Latin, intended to go beyond the limits of authority. It has at least three different meanings in the Anglo-American Companies Act: one that goes beyond the business objectives set forth in the articles of association of the company; two refers to exceeding the terms of reference of a company manager, though not exceeding the company’s business objectives; , Incompatible with the program, and even within the limits of the manager’s authority, but separated from the legitimate main purpose of the company. However, the ultra vires in the strict sense are just the first of the three meanings mentioned above, that is, the acts performed by the company completely exceed the operating purposes stipulated in the articles of association. This is also the central topic to be commented in this article.