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认真做好发展党员工作不仅仅是为了壮大党的队伍,更重要的是为了坚持党的先进性,保持其旺盛的生机与活力,使之永远成为一个富于战斗的、勇往直前的工人阶级先锋队。当前,我国正处在治理、整顿和深化改革的关键阶段。稳定大局,克难制胜,更需要我们充分发挥党的政治优势,要发挥党的政治优势,必须扎扎实实做好发展党员的工作,提高整个党员队伍的素质。生产一线是我们工人阶级创造物质财富和精神财富的前沿阵地,是产业工人的大本营,他们战斗在工作最艰苦的机台周围,在他们身上既继承了老一代中国工人阶级的优良传统又具有新时期工人阶级的优点和特点。近几年来,由于生产规模扩大,职工人数增加,老职工中 To do a good job of developing Party members not only for the sake of expanding the ranks of the party, but more importantly for upholding the party’s advanced nature and maintaining its vigorous vitality so that it will become forever a vanguard, forward-looking working class vanguard . At present, our country is at a crucial stage of governing, rectifying and deepening the reform. It is even more necessary for us to give full play to the political superiority of the party. To give full play to the party’s political superiority, we must do a good job in carrying out the work of developing party members in a down-to-earth manner and enhance the quality of the party members as a whole. The front line of production is the front line for our working class to create material wealth and spiritual wealth. It is the home base for industrial workers. They fight around the hardest machines at work. They inherit both the fine traditions of the working class of the older generation and the new ones. Advantages and Features of the Working Class in the Period. In recent years, due to the expansion of production scale, the number of employees has increased, among the old workers
目的 观察在心胸外科临床护理工作当中运用优质护理服务的效果.方法 选择我院100例心胸外科患者加入到此次实验研究当中,收治时间自2018年6月至2019年6月,以随机分层法做两组
7月27日,当河南上蔡县的白血病患儿薛培艺走出层流病房,我代表大病救助报道小组,给她送上庆祝重生的蛋糕的那一刻,激动、欣慰、感恩、对生命的敬畏……我的心中百感交集。整整4个多月的关心、关注,整整4个多月的上下奔走,《河南日报》“探路大病救助”系列报道完美落幕,我不仅见证了一个如花生命的重生,也完成了一个党报记者扶助弱势群体、心系百姓民生的责任。  今年3月,总编助理高李丽通过接触几个大病家庭,产生