美国黑人女剧作家琳恩·诺塔基(Lynn Nottage,1964-)的剧作《毁灭》(Ruined)于2009年4月荣获第93届普利策戏剧奖。该剧表现出相当成熟的创作技巧,涵盖了多元和深刻的主题,对人物刻画达到了一定的深度,对非洲内战的描述,也达到了一定广度;剧作家以当代非洲内战中妇女的悲惨命运为主题,借助现代戏剧手法,讲述了一个精明的女商人纳迪在饱受内战折磨的土地上如何谋求生存的故事,谱写了一曲颂扬人性美丽与救赎的赞歌。
Ruined, the play by Lynn Nottage (1964-), the American black woman playwright, won the 93rd Pulitzer Prize for Drama in April 2009. The play shows quite mature creative skills, covering multiple and profound themes, reaching a certain depth on the portrayal of characters and describing the civil war in Africa to a certain extent. The playwrights used the tragic fates of women in the contemporary African civil war As the theme, with the help of modern drama, tells the story of how a savvy businesswoman, Nadi, sought survival in the land afflicted by the civil war and wrote a hymn that praises beauty and redemption of human nature.