棉尖象在河北邯郸每年发生一代 ,以老熟幼虫在寄主作物田的土中越冬 ,翌年 6月始见成虫 ,7月中旬为羽化高峰期。成虫多在棉株顶尖叶丛内隐藏危害。嫩头被害棉叶长大后类似盲蝽危害状 ,呈破叶 ;幼虫在土里以嫩根为食造成棉株矮小、发育不良。沙壤地、耕作粗放 ,或靠近果园、苗圃的田块 ,虫量多 ;前茬豆类、玉米或与其临近的棉田发生重 ;一般粘土地发生较轻。成虫出现迟早和群体激增时间与降雨有着密切关系 ,如发生盛期内连续降雨总量在 15mm以上 ,则雨后 5d内即出现成虫激增。大田防治效果较好的药剂有 90 %敌百虫、5 0 %辛硫磷、5 0 %16 0 5、2 5 %甲胺磷和 10 %氯氰菊酯等
Mianjian elephants occur annually in Handan, Hebei Province, with the mature larvae overwintering in the soil of the host crop field. The adults begin to emerge in June of the following year, and the peak of eclosion occurs in mid-July. Most adult plants in the top leaves of cotton hidden dangers. Tender head cotton leaves grow like a nematode-like damage, showed broken leaves; larvae in the soil to tender root cause cotton plant dwarf, dysplasia. Sand soil, extensive farming, or near orchards, nursery fields, insects and more; the former crop of beans, corn or cotton fields near the occurrence of heavy; the general occurrence of lighter clay. The emergence of early and late adult and population surge time and rainfall are closely related, such as the peak of the continuous occurrence of rainfall in the total 15mm above, then the emergence of 5d after the rapid increase in adult worms. 90% trichlorfon, 50% phoxim, 50% 16 0 5, 25% methamidophos and 10% cypermethrin etc.