为了解决井下铲运机斗容优选的问题,基于模糊物元理论和变异系数法,选取工程投资、设备投资、出矿台班效率、作业费用4个评价指标,建立了铲运机优选的综合评价模型,计算各方案的关联度,并以关联度为评价标准确定最优的方案。实例证明,某矿平均运距在50~100 m内,铲运机斗容优选顺序为6,5,2,4,3m3,选择结果符合该矿生产实际。
In order to solve the problem of bucket capacity optimization of downhole scraper, based on fuzzy matter element theory and coefficient of variation method, four evaluation indexes of project investment, equipment investment, work efficiency and work cost are selected, and the optimal combination of scraper Evaluate the model, calculate the degree of association of each program, and determine the optimal program based on the degree of relevance as the evaluation criteria. The example shows that the average transportation distance of a mine is within 50-100 m, the optimal order of bucket capacity of the scraper is 6, 5, 2, 4 and 3m3, and the selection result accords with the actual production of the mine.