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春风送暧,万物复苏。日前,在黑龙江高院机关学习实践科学发展观活动总结大会召开之际,本刊记者对黑龙江高院党组书记、院长南英进行了专访。记者:南院长,您在全省中级法院院长会议上的讲话和今年在全省人大会上作的法院工作报告,给我们一个突出的感受,就是您的讲话和报告通篇都在阐述“发展”、强调“发展”、谋划“发展”。为什么您如此强调发展? Spring send warm, everything recovery. Recently, in Heilongjiang Higher Institution to learn and practice the scientific concept of development activities summarized the General Assembly on the occasion, the correspondents of Heilongjiang High Court party secretary, Dean of South Africa conducted an interview. Reporter: South President, your speech at the meeting of the president of the province’s intermediate court and the court work report this year at the provincial people’s congress give us a prominent feeling that your speech and the report are all elaborated “Development ”, emphasizing “Development ”, Planning “Development ”. Why do you stress development so?
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1945年9月9日——中华民族抗击外敌入侵的历史上又一个值得永远记住的日子。  这一天,在南京,中国战区侵华日军投降签字仪式在黄埔路3号南京国民政府中央军校礼堂举行。这个始建于1928年的欧式建筑充满了胜利的喜气,礼堂钟楼的钟面上贴着象征胜利的“V”字。大厅外的罗马柱上悬挂着三色彩条和“和平胜利”的条幅,礼堂周围插满了彩旗和三色彩条。  一大早,南京市民穿上最好的衣服,走出家门,庆祝来之不易的胜利
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