陈援庵(1880—1971年)名恒,广东新会人。是我国著名的教育家和史学家。从十八岁起,便就在广州教学馆,因反对清王朝而怕连累,回到家乡新会。1906年就任新会县篁庄小学教员,次年又回到广州担任振德中学教师。就在这一年陈恒同志考入广州博济医学院,因这个学院是美国教会所办,歧视中国师生,于是毅然离开博济,与友人集资创办了一所医学院,即广州光华医学院,并在这所医学院学习,毕业后留校作助教。 民国初年到北京定居。1920年华北大旱,灾黎遍野,陈老看到很多冻饿的孤儿流浪街头,于是与几个朋友筹划,办起一座“北京孤儿工读团”,收容河北孤儿二百余人。同年九月,他又创办平民中
Chen Yuan Temple (1880-1971) name constant, Guangdong Xinhui people. Is China’s famous educator and historian. Since the age of eighteen, he has been in the Guangzhou Museum of Education. He was afraid of getting tired of returning to the Qing Dynasty and returned to his hometown Xinhui. In 1906, he was appointed teacher of Xin Zhuang Zhuang Primary School and returned to Guangzhou as the teacher of Zhende High School the following year. Just this year, Comrade Chen Heng was admitted to Guangzhou Boji Medical College. Because the college was run by the American Church and discriminated against Chinese teachers and students, he decided to leave Boji and raise funds with friends to set up a medical school, namely Guangzhou Guanghua Medical Hospital, and study in this medical school, after graduation to stay as a teaching assistant. Early Republic of China settled in Beijing. In 1920 North China was hit hard by drought and plague everywhere. Chen saw a lot of hungry orphans wandering the streets. He planned with a few friends and set up a “Beijing Orphan Work-study Tour” to accommodate over 200 Hebei orphans. In September of the same year, he set up a civilians again