世界贸易组织取代关贸总协定之后 ,其争端解决机制在继承原有规定的基础上 ,得到了进一步地完善和发展 ,不仅形成了统一的争端解决机制 ,设立了专门的管理机构 ,而且完善了争端解决机制的工作程序 ,加强了对建议和裁决的监督执行 ,以及报复措施的管制。针对此 ,我国应采取正确的策略 ,灵活运用这一争端解决程序 ,并建立有效的国内组织机构和行业组织 ,加强政府与企业的联系 ,完善相应的立法。
After the World Trade Organization replaced the GATT, its dispute settlement mechanism was further perfected and developed on the basis of inheriting the original provisions. It not only formed a unified dispute settlement mechanism, set up a special regulatory agency, but also perfected Dispute settlement mechanism work procedures, strengthen the supervision and implementation of recommendations and rulings, as well as retaliation measures control. To this end, our country should adopt the correct tactics, make flexible use of this dispute settlement procedure, establish effective domestic organizations and trade organizations, strengthen the links between the government and enterprises, and improve relevant legislation.