患者女,35岁,主诉右侧腮腺无痛性肿物3个月余。专科检查:右侧耳下区触及一大小约3.0 cm×3.0 cm类圆形肿物,质硬,无压痛,边界清,皮肤温度、皮肤色正常。颌面部MRI:右侧腮腺内可见一类圆形异常肿块影,呈均质稍短T1、长T2信号,T2压脂呈明显高信号,病变边缘光整,大小约2.8 cm×1.9 cm,增强扫描可见明显强化,强化尚均匀,病灶上方可见粗大血管影。左侧腮腺形态及信号未
Female patient, 35 years old, complains of right parotid painless mass more than 3 months. Specialist examination: the right ear area touched a size of about 3.0 cm × 3.0 cm class round tumor, hard, no tenderness, border clearance, skin temperature, skin color normal. Maxillofacial MRI: A group of circular abnormal mass showed in the right parotid gland with slightly shorter T1, T2 signal and T2 hyperlipemia. The edge of the lesion was smooth and the size was about 2.8 cm × 1.9 cm. Enhanced scan visible enhancement, enhancement is still uniform, thick lesions above the blood vessels can be seen. Left parotid gland morphology and signal is not