刚结束不久的第十一届(201 3)现代装饰国际传媒奖,迎来了世界各地的优秀设计师,大家欢聚一堂,满载着荣誉和欢乐而归。此次,获奖的设计作品或概念新颖,或选材独特,或氛围特别等等,设计师们从不同角度诠释了对空间和设计的理解,作品相比往年有着极大的提高。这也更让我们期待,在2014年能看到更多优秀的作品。本期《特别空间》栏目探讨幼儿教育空间,这个选题一直想尝试。早年看过导演张以庆拍的纪录片《幼儿园》,这是一部以记录武汉一所寄宿制幼儿园的日常生活为主题的片子。孩子们初次进入幼儿园,离开父母的照顾,第一次面对陌生的环境、陌生的老师、陌生的同学,害怕是当时最主要的情绪,而哭泣是表达恐惧和不安的唯一发泄方式。面对镜头一个个哭泣的场景引发我的思考,如果幼儿园的空间环境能设计得
The just-concluded Eleventh (201 3) International Prize for Modern Decoration Media, ushered in the outstanding designers from all over the world, all gathered together, filled with honor and joy. This time, the award-winning designs or new concepts, or the unique selection of materials, or special atmosphere, etc., designers from different angles to interpret the understanding of space and design, works compared to previous years has greatly improved. This also makes us look forward to seeing more outstanding works in 2014. This issue of “special space” to explore the space for early childhood education, this topic has always wanted to try. In his early years, he watched the documentary “Kindergarten” directed by director Zhang Yiqing, a film about the daily life of a boarding school in Wuhan. Children first entered kindergarten and left their parents’ care. For the first time, they faced unfamiliar surroundings, strange teachers and strangers. Fear was the most important emotion at that time. And crying was the only way to express fear and anxiety. Face the lens of a crying scene triggered my thinking, if the kindergarten space environment can be designed