我叫刘相华,现任肥城矿务局杨庄煤矿职工学校校长。与孔繁森同志相识;完全是一次偶然的机会。 记得1967年“文革”期间,他刚从部队复员转业回到聊城。因为与我弟弟刘相民(现在聊城地区机械局生产科工作)是好友,使我有幸结识繁森同志。我初次与他相遇,是在聊城老城地委、行署附近。在我的眼里,他身体是那么单薄,个子是那么矮小,但一身戎装,英姿飒爽,依然保持着军人的气质,看上去他比我小好几岁。虽然如此,我们一见如故,相识恨晚,谈得非常投机。
My name is Liu Xianghua and I am the president of Yangzhuang Coal Mine Workers and Staff College of Feicheng Mining Bureau. Met with Comrade Kong Fansen; it was an entirely coincidental opportunity. I remember 1967 during the “Cultural Revolution”, he just returned from the army demobilized Liaocheng. Because I am a friend with my brother Liu Xiangmin (now Liaocheng District Machinery Bureau Production Section), I was fortunate enough to meet Fansensen. I met him for the first time, is in the Liaocheng Old City Committee, near the administrative office. In my eyes, his body is so thin, the body is so small, but a military uniform, valiant, still maintaining the military’s temperament, looks like he was a little younger than me. Nevertheless, we meet at a glance, met hate late, talking about very speculative.