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神六飞天成功,振奋了民族精神,也极大地激发了南京理工大学师生献身国防科技事业的决心和热情。10月17日下午,南京理工大学机械工程学院召集各重点学科学术带头人以及研究生、本科生代表,畅谈神六载人飞行圆满成功的重大意义以及对我国国防科学技术发展所产生的深远影响。博士生导师谈乐斌教授在座谈中说:神六发射成功,让每—位炎黄子孙倍感无上荣耀。作为国防 The success of God Six Flying inspired the national spirit and greatly stimulated the determination and enthusiasm of teachers and students of Nanjing University of Science and Technology devoted to the cause of national defense science and technology. On the afternoon of October 17, the School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology convened academic leaders of various key disciplines and representatives of graduate students and undergraduates to talk about the great success of the successful manned flight of Shenzhou 6 and its far-reaching impact on the development of China’s national defense science and technology. Professor Tan Leobin, a doctoral supervisor, said at the seminar: “The success of the launch of the” God Six "has greatly enhanced the sense of honor of each and every one of the three descendants. As a national defense
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初夏的贵州高原,万里碧空。花团锦簇、彩旗飘舞的贵州预师机关大楼前,官兵们整装集合,精神饱满,正迎接总部工作组的到来。 在师多功能指挥中心,工作组的领导观看了多媒体课