友谊 教诲 学业

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去年一月,我怀着激动兴奋的心情,来到世界著名的、享有培养、教育提琴制造者中心声誉的西德南部山城——米腾瓦尔德(Mittenwald),学习提琴制作。记得,当我们从波恩乘上快车到达这里时,已是晚上七点左右光景。强烈的好奇心促使我紧贴车窗向外凝视,极力搜寻我想要知道的一切。车厢外正大雪纷飞,一片洁白,在灰幕 In January last year, I was excited and excited to come to the world-famous Mittenwald, a mountain town in the southern part of western Germany that enjoys the reputation of a center for educating and educating violins. Remember, when we arrived at Bonn by Bonn, it was about seven in the evening. The intense curiosity prompted me to gaze out of the window, trying my best to find everything I wanted to know. Heavy snow outside the cabin, a white, in the gray screen
一台长虹C2588P型彩电,刚开机时图像正常,数秒钟后图像突然消失,屏幕一片模糊,而伴音正常。关机片刻再开机,故障重复出现。 A Changhong C2588P color TV, just when the bo
金达莱花开的美丽边疆  蜿蜒著一条青翠的海兰江  江畔上的人们勤劳快乐又善良  那是我们的第二故乡  故乡的上空常常飘着一缕浓香  那是阿妈妮在做酱汤  年少的我就告别了爹娘  火车载着理想离开黄浦江  单薄的青春燃烧奔放火热胸膛  激情的岁月歌声就是力量  阿妈妮帮我缝补衣衫教我插秧  地远天高雄鹰在飞翔  阿妈妮 别来无恙  多少次梦里又走进那熟悉的草房  一碗滚烫的米酒把风寒阻挡  仿佛唇边