这就是周杰伦的那首《爱在西元前》,起初我听到这首歌时,也许是因 为歌者的唱法,也许是由于鄙人的听力、总之是半个字都没听懂。但隐隐从吱吱唔唔当中却感到了一种神秘的力量,这也许就是文字和音乐的神奇吧。找来歌词,仔细看每一句,字里行间流香溢美,我已被歌词中写的、 歌曲中弥漫着的古巴比伦文明之美慑 服了。 恰逢望眼欲穿、翘首以盼了四年 的世界杯,内心中那股年少轻狂重又不可救药地泛滥,这段日子我迷上了两件事:看世界杯,听《爱在西元前》。 有一好友,同为球友,偏偏喜欢与我这专业人士唱反调,每当有比赛,尽发表些与专业意见相左的“歪理邪说”,几年下来,他竟乐此不疲。 世界杯这个大好机会,他自然不会放过与我赌上一番。定下每场1元,共 选七轮七场之约,我俩都信誓旦旦, 定要连胜七阵,谓之“七伤赌法”。
This is Jay Chou’s song “Love before BC”. At first I heard this song, perhaps because of the singing style of the singer, perhaps because of my humble ability. In short, I did not understand half the word. But in a faint mood, I felt a mysterious force, perhaps the magic of words and music. Find the lyrics, look carefully at each sentence, the flow between the lines overflowing the United States, I have been written in the lyrics, the song filled with the beauty of ancient Babylon civilized deterrent. Coincides with the desire, eagerly looking forward to four years of the World Cup, the heart of the year young and insidious and hopeless flooding, these days I fell in love with two things: watching the World Cup, listening to “love before the BC”. Have a good friend, with the same ball, but prefer to sing with me this professional anti-tune, whenever there are competitions, make some of the professional opinions of the “fallacies and heresies”, a few years, he actually enjoyed it. World Cup this great opportunity, he naturally will not let go and I bet on it. Each set of 1 yuan, a total of seven rounds of seven selected contract, we both vowed to be seven games in a row, that the “seven injury bet.”