之于足球先生,五湖四海之内各种版本齐俱,规模或大或小,不一而足。但影响力最为深远的无外乎法国《ONZE》杂志组织评选的欧洲足球先生,英国《WORLD SOCCER)杂志主办的世界足球先生和国际足联世界足球先生。虽然欧洲足球先生声名远播,但它毕竟是欧洲人的游戏。我们强调“世界”的概念,就好像欧洲杯水平再高也无法取代世界杯一样。两个版本的世界足球先生,《WORLDSOCCER》的历史较为久远.而且它由读者投票选出,更顺乎民意。但我们有些怀疑其公平性,因为英国佬借机让自己的球员捞了不少便宜。所以我们在操作谁是世界足球先生这一选题时,毫不犹豫地选择了“国际足联版本”。尽管他的历史只能向前追溯九年,但我们相信140多名各国教练的专业眼光,信赖国际足联响当当的金字招牌。
To Mr. Football, all versions of all corners of the country come together, the size of large or small, varied. But the most far-reaching influence is none other than the FIFA World Player of the Year organized by European soccer team “ONZE” organized by the magazine “WORLD SOCCER” and the FIFA World Player of the World. Although European football has a long history of being a football player, it is a European game, after all. We emphasize the concept of “the world,” as if the European Cup could not replace the World Cup. Both versions of World Soccer, WORLDSOCCER, have a long history and are voted by readers and more in line with public opinion. But we suspect that some fairness, because the British guy took the opportunity to make their own players fishing a lot cheaper. So we did not hesitate to choose “FIFA version” when we operated Who is the world’s soccer player. Although his history can only be traced back nine years, we believe in the professionalism of more than 140 national coaches and rely on FIFA’s golden flagship.