近日,见允禧画《黄山三十六峰图》册真迹,殊佳。概因: 1、其形制玲珑别致。每开纵7.5、横5厘米,对开题跋尺寸与此相同。纸质洁白坚密。如此的袖珍式书画,是最受乾隆帝喜爱,也是当时宫中最常见的案头玩物。2,其装璜精美繁复。无论是装裱格
Recently, see Wanxi painting “Huangshan 36 Peak Map” album authentic, special good. The reason: 1, its exquisite and unique shape. Each opening of 7.5, horizontal 5 cm, the same size and the same Postscript postscript. Paper white and strong. Such pocket-sized paintings and calligraphy, is the most loved by the Emperor Qianlong, is also the most common case of play in the palace. 2, its beautifully decorated complicated. Whether it is mounted grid