汤寿潜是中国近代资产阶级维新思想派重要代表之一 ,二十世纪初 ,在与帝国主义争夺路权、力主铁路集资自办运动中 ,作出过重要贡献。他苦心经营浙路公司 ,使该公司成为“商办之冠” ;据理争废《苏杭甬铁路草合同》 ,与帝国主义列强争夺路权 ;力拒借款 ,与出卖路权的清政府和推行“借款筑路”反动政策的官僚进行斗争 ,取得沪杭甬铁路的完全商办。汤寿潜是浙江收回路权运动的领袖 ,不仅为商办浙路立下了不朽功勋 ,而且推动了全国商办铁路运动的发展 ,促进了各地的争路风潮
Tang Shouqian was one of the important representatives of the modern bourgeois ideological reformists in the early 20th century. He made an important contribution in the struggle for the right of way with imperialism and for the autonomy of the railway fund-raising and self-running movements. He painstakingly managed Zhejiang Road Company, the company became “the highest commercial office”; according to the controversy “Suzhou-Hangzhou-Ningbo railway grass contract”, and the imperialist powers compete for the road right; refused to borrow money, and the betrayal of the Qing government And the bureaucrats who carried out the “borrowing and road building” reactionary policies to fight and made the Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway fully run. Tang Shouqian, a leader in the right of way-taking in Zhejiang, not only established immortal feats for the establishment of Zhejiang Road, but also promoted the development of the nationwide commercial-run railway and promoted the upsurge of competition around the country