深度解读 慕思商业模式驱动的国际化

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慕思寝室用品有限公司成立于2004年,定位为健康睡眠资源整合者,专业致力于人体健康睡眠研究,从事整套健康睡眠系统的研发、生产及营销。慕思将欧洲的设计理念融入到中国制造和中国创造中,聘请法国知名设计师Moris作为首席设计师,将人体工程学和睡眠环境学融入到寝具的设计中。十余年间,慕思与瑞士DOC、比利时Artilat和RAKO、德国Otten、德国米勒、意大利Figino、意大利Bedding S.R.L和LAMBORGHINI等数十家国际优秀寝具供应商建立起了长期合作关系,打造了健康睡眠系统的良好生态链。2014年十周年之际,慕思发布了“筑梦全球”计划,正式进军国际市场,拉开新十年征程的序幕。从2004年在东莞厚街悄无声息地诞生,到2014年成为中国健康睡眠产业的领军品牌,慕思凭借其独有的“慕思商业模式”书写出中国寝具行业的一个神话,同时也让中国的寝具第一次有机会登上世界的巅峰。本期月度大案,让我们一起深度解读“慕思商业模式”驱动的国际化。 Established in 2004, Mousse Bedding Co., Ltd. is positioned as a fit-maker of healthy sleep resources. It specializes in the research of human health and sleep, and engages in the research and development, production and marketing of whole-body healthy sleep systems. Mousse incorporated European design ideas into Chinese and Chinese creations, hiring French designer Moris as chief designer to incorporate ergonomics and sleep environment into bedding designs. For more than ten years, Mousse has established long-term cooperation with dozens of excellent international bedding suppliers such as Switzerland DOC, Artilat and RAKO Belgium, Germany Otten, Germany Miller, Italy Figino, Italy Bedding SRL and LAMBORGHINI, Good ecological chain of sleep system. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of 2014, Mousse released the plan to build a global dream and officially entered the international market, opening the curtain for the new 10-year journey. From the quiet establishment of Dongguan Houjie in 2004 and the leading brand in China’s healthy sleep industry by 2014, Mousse has written a myth of China’s bedding industry with its unique “Mousse Business Model” For the first time, China’s bedding also have the chance to ascend the pinnacle of the world. This issue of monthly major, let us deeply understand “Mousse business model ” driven by the international.
<正> 一、前言 对235U热中子裂变已经作了充分的研究,裂变产物的产额作了广泛的测量,并对实验数据进行了多次编评。但是对于其它单能中子诱发235U裂变研究还远远不够,尤其是k
<正> 一、难以自圆其说的阐释 在美国,新闻史学家都把“倒金字塔结构”视为新闻报道的一个里程碑,都认为这种按事实的重要性程度递减原则进行排列的报道方式打破了时间顺序结