横贯西斯班尼亚[Hispania]半岛北部的基督教圣地亚哥朝圣之路[Camino de Santiago]在当今西班牙王国境内有两个起点:一是阿拉贡[Aragon]地区的松波特[Somport]山关,二是纳瓦拉[Navarra]地区的朗塞瓦尔[Roncesvalles]峡谷。它们各自从与当今法国交界的比利牛斯山山区向西延伸,在纳瓦拉地区的蓬特·拉·蕾娜[Puente la Reina],汉
Transatlantic Transatlantic in Hispania [Hispania] The Camino de Santiago There are two starting points in today’s Spanish kingdom: the Somport mountain in the Aragon region, The second is the Roncesvalles canyon in the Navarra region. They each extend westward from the Pyrenees mountains to the present-day France, Puente la Reina in the Navarre region,