铜锣湾向来是香港名人雅士、潮流达人购物聚会的首选场所,也是世界各地旅客到港必逛之处。可就在这一大片奢华与潮流之地当中,又别有洞天。位于铜锣湾核心地带的利园购物区(Lee Gardens),由连接港铁的希慎广场(Hysan Place).绿意盎然、奢华高雅的利园一及二期(Lee Gardens One&Two),还有潮流品牌旗舰店云集的利舞台(Lee Theatre)、礼顿中心(Leighton).共同组成了无与伦比的“黄金购物三角”。这里不同于—般的购物中心.它云集了众多全港最大旗舰店、全港首间旗舰店、最高端品牌荟萃、最
Causeway Bay has always been Hong Kong’s celebrity Ascot, the trend of Daren shopping party’s premiere venue, but also around the world visitors will visit Hong Kong Department. But in this large area of luxury and fashion which, but also unexpected. Lee Gardens, located in the heart of Causeway Bay, is connected by Hysan Place, a lush, luxurious and elegant Lee Gardens One & Two, with trendy brands The Lee Theater and Leighton, home to the flagship store, make up the unparalleled Gold Shopping Triangle. This is different from - like shopping center. It gathered in many of the largest flagship store in Hong Kong, Hong Kong’s first flagship store, the most high-end brand blend of the most