BAE系统公司于2016年12月在其位于约克的工厂向美国陆军交付29辆多用途装甲车(AMPV)中的首辆车。根据2014年12月签署的工程和制造研制合同,目前BAE系统公司正在生产多用途装甲车的样车/预生产型车。这些车辆将完成大约12 000km的合同商试验,及33800km的美国陆军试验。目前,该车已经通过了关键设计评审,“里程碑”C的决策将在2019财年做出。美国陆军对多用途装甲车的需求为2 907辆,包括5种
BAE Systems delivered the first of 29 multi-purpose armored vehicles (AMPVs) to the U.S. Army at its York plant in December 2016. Under the engineering and manufacturing contract signed in December 2014, BAE Systems is currently producing prototype / pre-production vehicles for multi-purpose armored vehicles. These vehicles will complete about 12 000 km of contractor trials and 38,800 km of U.S. Army trials. At present, the car has passed the key design review, and the decision of “Milestone” C will be made in FY2019. The Army’s demand for multi-purpose armored vehicles was 2,900, including five