进入新世纪以来,海南州经济一直保持了两位数增长。主要是哪些因素带动了经济增长? 运用分析经济效益的一个重要指标即贡献率方能得出结论。贡献率是有效或有用成果与资源消耗及占用量之比。它一般用于分析经济增长中各因素作用差距的程度。通过测算贡献率,就可以了解和掌握哪些地区、哪些行业是全州经济增长的主要推动力以及存在的差距。本文就此作一定量分析,比比谁是全州经济增长的引擎。
Since entering the new century, Hainan’s economy has maintained double-digit growth. What are the main factors that led to economic growth? The use of an important indicator of economic efficiency that the contribution rate in order to draw conclusions. The contribution rate is the ratio of effective or useful results to resource consumption and occupancy. It is generally used to analyze the extent of the gap between the various factors in economic growth. By measuring the contribution rate, it is possible to understand and grasp which regions and which industries are the main driving forces and gaps in the state’s economic growth. This article for a certain amount of analysis, compared with who is the engine of the state’s economic growth.