1960年5月1日,莫斯科红场。同往年一样,规模盛大的庆祝“国际劳动节”的群众集会与阅兵式在庄重而热烈的气氛中有序地进行着。 在检阅台的中心位置,赫鲁晓夫与苏共中央政治局全体成员正饶有兴味地观看着在他们面前驶过的坦克、导弹车队等新式武器装备,并不时抬头仰望着呼啸而过的新式战斗机编队……忽然,苏联国土防空军总司令比留佐夫元帅急匆匆地走向赫鲁晓夫,俯身在他
May 1, 1960, Moscow Red Square. As in previous years, the massive mass rally and parade celebrating “International Labor Day” are proceeding orderly in a solemn and warm atmosphere. In the center of the reviewing stand, Khrushchev and all the members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU are watching with interest the new weapons and equipment such as tanks and missile fleets passing by in front of them, looking up from time to time looking up and whistling New fighter formation ... ... Suddenly, Commander-in-chief of the Soviet air defense forces Commander Biluzov rushed to Khrushchev, bending over him