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墨白的《欲望与恐惧》再次实践了作家所恪守的精神地理,并忠实记录了关于个体的欲望发生学,又切入了因欲望撕裂而导致的人性荒芜的地带。通过系列人物形象的塑造,昭示了人性自我冲突而形成的悲剧,并在此基础上,展开自我审视和自我反思。 Mohsin’s “Desire and Fear” once again practiced the spiritual geography that the writers abide by, and faithfully recorded the learning of desires of individuals and the human-nature-desolation caused by the tearing of desire. Through the creation of a series of characters, it shows the tragedy formed by the self-conflict of human nature, and on this basis, conducts self-examination and self-reflection.