The 500th Anniversary of the Utopia, a Disney animated blockbuster of “Crazy Animal City,” a global event that sparks utopias and is considered an event philosophy in the Badiou. The different choices of movie titles show a clear disagreement on the utopian value stance. “Crazy Animal City” consciously tries art choices and breakthroughs in utopian narration, interweaves narration of individual growth utopia with social utopia, and forms composite utopian beauty and style. However, the fundamental defect is that it still labels utopia and has dystopia danger. Today, to revisit the utopian mission is to go beyond the utopian heritage, acquire new ideological resources and spiritual motivation from new reality, and use new utopian ideas and beliefs to illuminate humankind’s future. Only in this way, it is not only possible, but also inevitable, for mankind to rebuild the great epic narrative of utopia.