曾几何时,范加尔被认为是欧洲最优秀的教练,1995年范加尔率领阿贾克斯队横扫欧洲时,人们盛赞他“照亮了欧洲足球前进的道路”,那时,范加尔在球迷心目中的地位仅次于上帝。 曾几何时,范加尔被认为是巴塞罗那队和荷兰国家队主教练最优秀的人选,当他率领巴塞罗那队耀武扬威地夺得甲级联赛和国王杯赛“双料冠军”时,范加尔第一次感到从克鲁伊夫的阴影下摆脱了出来,欧洲冠军杯赛上的失败带给他的不快因“双料冠军”的头衔而烟消云散。从那以后他成了巴塞罗那说一不二的主教练。他抛弃后卫费热(加盟英格兰切尔西)、库托(加盟意大利拉奇奥)、布兰科(加盟法国马赛)似乎就是要证明他的权威。
Once upon a time, Van Gaal was considered the best European coach, Van Gaal led the Ajax in 1995 swept across Europe, people praised him “to illuminate the European football forward,” when Van Gaal in the minds of fans Second only to God. Van Gaal was considered one of the best candidates for Barcelona and the Dutch national team coach. When he led the Barcelona team to victory in the first division and the King’s Cup double champion, Van Gaal felt for the first time from Kru Iff under the shadow of getting out of the European Champions Cup defeat brought him unlucky because of “double champion” title and disappear. Since then he has become one of Barcelona’s leading coaches. He abandoned guard Fiery (joining Chelsea in England), Cotto (joining Lachio in Italy) and Branco (joining Marseille in France) as if to prove his authority.