目的 探讨脑肿瘤合并糖尿病患者的围手术期处理有关问题.方法 对31 例合并糖尿病的脑肿瘤患者进行严密的血糖和尿糖监测,在饮食疗法的基础上采用口服降糖药和胰岛素控制血糖,用足量有效的抗生素预防感染,并加强营养支持.结果 22 例术前、术中和术后血糖控制满意,未出现任何并发症;3 例切口感染,2 例并发肺内感染,3 例颅内感染,出现酮症酸中毒1 例,均经及时处理好转,无1 例死亡.结论 围手术期将血糖控制在安全水平(6?2 ~11 .2 M MOL/ L) 是治疗成功的关键.“,”Objective To study how to treat brain tumor patients complicated with diabetes mellitus in the perioperational period. Methods In 31 cases of brain tumor patients complicated with diabetes mellitus, we conducted intensive monitor of their blood and urine sugar, used diet therapy, sugar descending drug and insulin to control blood sugar, and provided sufficient and effective antibiotics to prevent infection, gave nutritional support as well. Results In 22 cases, blood sugar was controlled well all through the perioperatioinal period, with no complication; we found 3 cases with wound infection, 2 cases with lung infection, 3 cases with intracranial infection, 1 case with diabetic ketoacidosis. All recovered after correct and timely treatment, with no death.Conclusions In perioperational period, controling blood sugar at safe level (6.2~11.2 mmol/L) is of most importance in successful treatment.