6月下旬,丰田任命丰田英国业务负责人马特·哈里森(Matt Harrison)为欧洲新任销售与市场营销总监,7月1日生效,其前任正是刚刚被日产挖脚的丹尼尔·斯基拉奇(Daniele Schillaci)。现年46岁的哈里森汽车职业生涯从福特开始,2000年加入丰田英国公司任汽车销售总经理,2008年至2011年负责丰田欧洲公司企业规划以及雷克萨斯欧洲业务。履新后,哈里森将向丰田汽车欧洲公司执行副总裁卡尔·施利科特(Karl Schlicht)述职。一直以来,丰田是欧洲日系品牌销
In late June, Toyota appointed Matt Harrison, head of Toyota’s UK operations, as Europe’s new director of sales and marketing, effective July 1, his predecessor being Daniel Squibb (Daniele Schillaci). Harrison, 46, started his career with Ford Motor Company, joined Toyota Motor Corporation in 2000 as General Manager of Automotive Sales, and from 2008 to 2011 was responsible for Toyota Europe Corporate Planning and Lexus Europe. Following his move, Harrison will speak to Karl Schlicht, executive vice president of Toyota Motor Europe. All along, Toyota is the European Japanese brand sales