1、快速保存号码 当我们在手机上不选择自动保存电话号码时,来电的号码全部会存放在手机的缓冲区内。如果想把它们存到电话薄,则必须先用笔记下电话号码,再到电话薄菜单中选择“保存”,输入姓名和用笔记下来的电话号码,非常麻烦。其实,可先在待机状态下按下通话键,此时屏幕上会出现最近通话的电话号码,顺次按下向左或向右键前后查找,直到找到为止。接下来,按下挂断键,此时号码就被提取到屏幕上来了,再按下向左键,就会出现电话薄菜单,按下“Yes”,就会出现“保存该号码”命令,
1, save the number quickly When we do not choose to automatically save the phone number, the phone number will be stored in the phone’s buffer zone. If you want to save them to the phone book, you must first note the phone number, then go to the phonebook menu, select “Save”, enter the name and note down the phone number, very troublesome. In fact, you can press the call key in standby mode, then the phone number of the most recent call will appear on the screen, and then press the left or right key to search before and after, until it is found. Next, press the end key, then the number is extracted to the screen, and then press the left key, the phonebook menu will appear, press “Yes”, there will be “save the number” command,