土蝗种类繁 多,食性杂,分布 广,是妨碍作物增 产的主要虫害之 一。近几年,由于 种植结构调整,耕作制度变革,加之气候、环境条件适宜,我省大部分地区都有土蝗发生,并呈迅速蔓延加重态势,局部地区暴发成灾。据植保部门监测:1998年一般发生田块虫口密度17~35头/m~2,严重者达162头,1999年发生趋势要重于去年,成为全年粮食、蔬菜生产的潜在威胁,应引起相关部门的高度重视。
A large number of soil locusts, food Miscellaneous, widely distributed, is one of the major pests impede the crop yield. In recent years, due to the adjustment of planting structure, the reform of farming system, and the suitable climate and environmental conditions, soil locusts have occurred in most areas of our province and increased rapidly. The outbreaks in some areas were disastrous. According to the monitoring by the plant protection department, in 1998, the population density of field pests generally ranged from 17 to 35 heads / m 2, with 162 serious ones. The trend occurred in 1999 should be heavier than last year and the potential threat to grain and vegetable production throughout the year should be caused Relevant departments attach great importance.