运用CCA排序、TWINSPAN等级分类、物种多样性以及种间联结等分析方法探讨了浙江省瑞安市公益林群落中地形因子对植物空间分布格局的影响以及主要优势物种的种间关系,以期解释公益林群落特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,瑞安市公益林物种分布受海拔、坡度和坡向(总体上可解释69.1%的环境因子)的影响。运用TWINSPAN等级分类,在种-环境CCA排序结果的基础上将群落大致划分为13类群丛,其中以马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)和柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)为优势种的群丛个数最多;群落的多样性水平总体较高,以马尾松、杉木和柳杉为优势种的群丛因其具有较好的地形条件而多样性最高;群落垂直层次的物种多样性由大到小依次为:灌木层>乔木层>草本层,同时3个垂直层次中主要优势种的正负关联比低(均小于2),其中乔木层优势种的正负关联比最高,说明研究区群落结构尚不稳定,但乔木层相对比较稳定。研究结果为研究区公益林管理提供理论支撑。
The effects of topographical factors on plant spatial distribution patterns and the interspecific relationships of dominant species were studied using CCA rankings, taxonomic classification, species diversity and interspecific association in order to explain the commonweal forest Community Characteristics and Its Relationship with Environmental Factors. The results showed that the species distribution of public welfare forests in Rui’an was influenced by elevation, slope and aspect (which could explain 69.1% of the total environmental factors). Based on the results of species-environment CCA, the communities were divided into 13 groups using TWINSPAN classification. Among them, Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata and Cryptomeria fortunei were the dominant species The community has the highest diversity, and the community diversity is generally high. The community dominated by Pinus massoniana, Chinese fir and Cryptomeria japonica has the highest diversity due to its good topographical conditions. The species diversity at the vertical level of the community is dominated by large The order of shrub layer> arbor layer> herb layer and the dominant dominant species in the three vertical layers were lower (both less than 2). The dominant positive and negative correlations were the highest in the arbor layer, indicating that the study area The community structure is not stable, but the arbor layer is relatively stable. The results provide theoretical support for the management of public welfare forests in the study area.