【摘 要】
The UN Climate Change Conferencein Cancun reached a consensus onreducing greenhouse gas emission andsetting up finance and technology aidmechanism.
The UN Climate Change Conferencein Cancun reached a consensus onreducing greenhouse gas emission andsetting up finance and technology aidmechanism.
On December 18, 2009, construction of TieluCenter School in Tianshui, Gansu Provincewas completed.
Maintaining a tradition likeritual slaughter in today's modernworld is complicated, and it's not clear where, when, or if to draw a line.
She is the Culture Ambassador of the Republic ofLiberia, a traditional Queen, UNICEF GoodwillAmbassador for Children in Liberia and Executive Directorof the NGO Liberia Crusaders for Peace. As an ente
Xinjiang becomes the focus of a new support packagestrategy to modernize and assist China’s western region Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is on afast track to developing its economy as theChinese
According to the study's international teamof scientists, seismic data collectod in 2005shows that a 60-kin-long rift which swiftly toreacross the country's Afar region is virtuallyidentical to those
The rise and rise of online shopping has allowedCelia Liu to make a good living in a job she loves
When choosing an appropriate investment vehiclein China many factors must be considered.as
The FIFA 2010 World Cup draw, which oc-curred last December 4th, was a momen-tous occasion in Cape Town, South Africa.
On the Fourth Ministerial Conference ofthe Forum on China-Africa Cooperationheld in Egypt in November 2009.
An increasing number of Chinese tourists aremaking tracks for foreign shores during theSpring Festival, their prime vacation time