?,为鲁菜系中独有的一种烹调技法,是煎炸与煨炖等法复合而成。所制美味除了煎炸时产生的香甘气味外,更使菜肴柔和绵软、咸鲜醇厚。采用此法烹制的锅?鲍盒、锅?里脊、锅?豆腐、锅?黄鱼、锅?蛎子等,都是齐鲁特色鲜明的佳肴。 说起来,?这种烹调技法,源自山东的胶东半岛。根据传说推论,至少在500年以前就应用于烹调实践中。过去,在春节来临之前,家家户户都要在腊月二十三之后开始酥鱼、酥肉(即将鱼、肉挂
?, For the Shandong cuisine is unique in a cooking technique is fried and simmering stew and other law complex. In addition to the delicious system produced during the fried fragrant flavor, but also make the dishes soft and soft, salty mellow. Using this method of cooking pot? Bowl, pot? Loin, pot? Tofu, pot? Yellow croaker, pot? Oyster, Qilu characteristics are distinctive cuisine. Speaking,? This cooking technique, derived from Shandong’s Jiaodong Peninsula. According to the legend, at least 500 years ago should be applied to cooking practice. In the past, before the advent of the Spring Festival, every family and household had to start to eat crisp fish and couscous after the twelfth lunar month twenty-three