患者,男40岁,农民。因被人用双手扼颈2分钟后出现一过性昏迷、失语、四肢瘫于1995年7月27日入院。 查体:患者神志清,双眼右侧凝视,可通过睁闭眼睑及眼球垂直运动来表达思维,对言语理解无障碍,其余眼球运动消失。双瞳孔等大等圆,光反应存在,双侧面舌完全瘫,吞咽反射消失,四肢软瘫,腱反射消失,双下肢病理征阳性,皮肤感觉存在。颅脑CT未发现异常。
Patient, male, 40 years old, farmer. 2 minutes after being strangled by both hands with a sudden stunned unconscious, aphasia, limb paralysis in July 27, 1995 admission. Physical examination: patients with clear consciousness, right eye gaze, can be closed by eyelid and eyeball vertical movement to express thinking, speech understanding of the barrier, the rest of the eye movement disappears. Double pupil and other large round, light reaction exists, bilateral paralysis full paralysis, swallowing reflex disappeared, limbs paralysis, tendon reflex disappeared, both lower extremity pathological sign positive, skin feel there. Brain CT was not abnormal.