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党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次强调,正确区分和对待干部在改革探索中出现的失误和错误的性质,支持和保护那些作风正派又敢作敢为、锐意进取的干部。今年,全国两会上李克强总理的政府工作报告中明确指出:健全激励机制和容错纠错机制,给干事者鼓劲,为担当者撑腰。昆明市两会上王喜良市长也强调:强化责任担当,营造良好干事创业氛围,建立容错纠错机制,激励想干事的人,保护敢做事的人。今后五年是昆明在全省率先全面建成小康社会决战决胜的关 Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has emphasized many times that it is necessary to correctly distinguish and treat cadres from mistakes and mistakes they have made in the course of reform and exploration, and to support and protect cadres who are upright and courageous and determined to make progress. This year, Premier Li Keqiang’s report on the work of the government clearly pointed out in the two sessions of the NPC that the sound incentive mechanism and the mechanism for fault-tolerant and error-correcting should be provided to encourage officers to support their personnel. Mayor Wang Xiliang at the two sessions of Kunming also stressed: to strengthen the responsibility to play, create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurial work, establish a fault-tolerant mechanism to encourage those who want to do something to protect those who dare to work. In the next five years, Kunming will take the lead in building the well-to-do society in the province in a decisive battle
摘 要地方政府拥有很大的公权力,他们有权分配国家资源给民众,而且能够直接提供地方公共服务。其与公民的密切接触及其執政中握有的巨大且往往缺乏有效约束的公权力,使得地方政府成为腐败高发频发的重灾区。本文结合实际案例分析我国基层地方反腐倡廉的制度建设。  【关键词】基层地方;反腐倡廉;制度建设  腐败一词,最早出现在《汉书·食货志(上)》“太仓之粟,陈陈相因,充溢露积于外,腐败不可食。”意指谷物发霉腐烂